Paleoethnobotany: Plant Use in Prehistoric Societies

Paleoethnobotany, also known as archaeobotany, is the subdiscipline of archaeology that studies how plants were used by prehistoric societies. Until the mid-19th century, paleoethnobotanists did not work at the site, relying instead on other archaeologists to gather materials in the field. As the discipline developed, however, the need to ensure that appropriate sampling strategies and analyses were used in collecting and organizing samples prompted archaeobotanists to go on-site to collect their own data. They could then more accurately interpret the uncovered organic remains to determine the importance of various plant life to the area's former residents.

Under normal conditions, of course, plant remains tend to decay very quickly; but organic material that has been carbonized by charring may survive for extended periods of time. Consequently, paleoethnobotanists focus on sifting through hearths and middens (dunghills and refuse piles) in an effort to extract material that will provide clues as to how plants were utilized by the site's former occupants. The study of an individual fireplace is likely to reveal only what was burned there in the last fires or perhaps just the final fire (although study of multiple fireplaces may offer cumulative evidence); refuse dumps are able to provide a better indication of the lasting patterns of consumption and are therefore more likely to yield enough statistical data to allow the archaeologist to reach meaningful conclusions.

As a rule, material scooped up on-site is usually a mixed bag of plant remnants combined with soil, bone, and animal dung. The primary means of separating the plant remains from the other media is the flotation process. A simple but time-consuming and painstaking task, the flotation process is built on the assumption that organic material--seeds, fibers, and so on--generally floats, and inorganic material--sand, shells, or ceramics--generally does not. Using a series of graduated sieves, often nested together, archaeobotanists are able to filter plant remains from other debris. Because the collected material tends to be desiccated, charred, or waterlogged, it is extremely fragile, and tweezers or a small paintbrush may be necessary to remove substances from the sieve. It is dirty work, at best, but ultimately very revealing to the botanist.

Once sorted, organic remnants are generally reviewed using a process called reflected light microscopy. Specimens are razored to reflect three anatomical planes (transverse, radial, and tangential) and studied under a microscope. Species are sorted, identified, and cataloged, and accumulated data are then analyzed and interpreted and, often, fiercely debated, reconsidered, and reinterpreted as additional material is gathered. Because in some areas of the world local customs have changed little over time, paleoethnobotanists may also look to contemporary village life for guidelines to assist them in interpreting their archaeological findings.

Within the field of paleoethnobotany is the subspecialty of palynology, or pollen analysis. Just as a seed is unique to an individual plant, so too is pollen, and similar to charred seeds, pollen may be preserved under proper conditions for long periods of time in soil and rock formations. Analysis of the pollen fossil record reveals what plants grew in a given area during a particular era, thus allowing palynologists to infer the climatic conditions that would have been necessary to support such plants (temperature, rainfall, growing season). Comparison of these findings with current climate conditions in various parts of the modern world provides evidence of environmental change, allowing palynologists to conclude, for example, that the climate prevailing in one area 5,000 years ago was similar to the current climate in an area 1,000 miles (1,600 km) to the north of the subject locale.

What, then, does paleoethnobotanical evaluation tell the archaeologist? First, it provides information about how local vegetation was used by inhabitants for fuel, food, and the construction of houses and boats. Further, the collection of plant material allows the paleoethnobotanists to make anthropological deductions about multiple aspects of prehistoric culture and environment, including the process and timing of plant cultivation and animal domestication, the development of trade practices and local industry, the occurrence of demographic change, and alterations in climatic conditions, as well as to hypothesize as to the reasons why these shifts occurred.

By enhancing our knowledge of how ancient peoples lived, paleoethnobotany helps us understand and appreciate the role humans play in altering their environment. For example, certain cultural changes once thought to be caused by climate shifts, such as drought, are now believed to have been caused by population growth and the resultant deforestation, overgrazing, or soil exhaustion of farmland. In cases such as these, the study of paleoethnobotany can not only teach us about the past, it may also provide a lesson for the future.


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